Quote by Audrey Hepburn

"I believe in manicures. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing Lipstick. I believe in PINK. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in Kissing, Kissing alot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe in tomorrows another day and I believe in Miracles." Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Tree is Up

Our Christmas Tree is a flocked Tree. It is decorated primarily with Turquoise and sliver...we've added some pink over the past two years:)

We did get our tree up and decorated the day before Thanksgiving. I had time that day to do it, so we just got it over with. I haven't really gotten all my decorations out, but tomorrow is December first. I still have time:)

Yesterday, Cooper asked me,"Mommy why don't we have a Nativity Scene set out at our  house?" I thought, well because you kids will break it. Anyhoo, the more Christmas is talked about the more I got to thinking... I need a Nativity Scene at my house for Cooper (and Tristan).
I really want to find a fisher price Nativity Scene. One the kids can really play with and then one that is nice that maybe I can give them when they are older. My Mom and I went to the Mall to go shopping today and we looked and couldn't find anything. We did find a nice one that was on sale with my coupon it would have been a lot cheaper. But, I thought first I want the one they can actually play with. So, I found these ornaments for Cooper to put on the tree. One is of Mary, Baby Jesus, and Joseph. The other is of the 3 wise men. He was very excited to see that when I got home and hung them on our tree. 

These are the stockings my Mom made for them before they were born!

The Stockings are hung all through the house...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Weird Science

My friend, Patty, emailed me this picture and I had to share. Cooper was at his friend Nicholas' house last week and when I came to pick him up...This is what I found! 

Does anyone remember the movie Weird Science? They might have had bras on their head, not underwear, but either way, too funny!

 While I'm on the subject of funny things kids do, they never cease to surprise me. At school today we were getting the kids to paint reindeer one at a time while the other's were having free play. One of the little girls was in the home living area and we heard her scream, "Wait, I have to get my breast milk"! This coming from the little girl whose Mommy just had a baby! Clearly it makes sense! Charlotte and I were cracking up! We thought we had heard it all. I need to keep a journal of these things and one day write a book about the things kids say! 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Friends!

I am thankful for...

I am most thankful for my beautiful family!
 Happy Turkey Day. I hope everyone had a wonderful day!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Christmas Card Pics

 While we were at the beach I wanted to get some pictures of the kids for our Christmas Card Pictures. I bought the letters J O Y and the kids put seashells on the letters. Cooper did the letter, "J" Tristan did the letter, "O" and I worked on the letter "Y".  I then put the letters to plywood. Tristan did not want to smile for the camera more than 2 minutes. And I need more than two minutes to get a good "Christmas Picture"! She didn't smile because she knew how I wanted her to smile!! She is something else. She was being very ugly about it and got in trouble. I was upset and didn't think I got anything worth using. But, I came up with a couple of pictures, not really what I wanted for the card. But, it's what I got:)

I love getting Christmas Cards in the mail and seeing how my friends kids grow through the years. I have saved all of them and need to come up with some organization.

Beach Sunset

 I snapped some pictures of the kids while the sun was setting. It is always beautiful! Blake and I got our pictures taken this time of year 8 years ago. They are some of the best pictures.
Ahhh...I see these pictures and want to go back to the beach where you have no worries and everything is peaceful.