Quote by Audrey Hepburn

"I believe in manicures. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing Lipstick. I believe in PINK. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in Kissing, Kissing alot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe in tomorrows another day and I believe in Miracles." Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Busy Weekend!

On Saturday we drove to T-town for Owen's 4th Birthday party and the kids had a ball. Cooper wanted to see The University, so we drove by the Quad, by the AOII house, the Football Stadium, and my old house on 12 Ave. Then we headed home to wait for Daddy to get done at the office. At the last minute our friends Brandon and Staci invited us to go to the Lake with them and their daughter Maddie. So, Blake and Cooper took off to the lake that afternoon. I stayed home with Sissy and we headed to Smith Lake the next Morning. We stayed Sunday and Sunday night, got up on Monday morning to head to Hartselle. I have Justin and Kristian this week, so I took the kids to visit with Mama Jean for the afternoon, until we picked up the Justin and Kristian at 3:30. Cooper was HORRIBLE the whole time we were visiting with Mama Jean! He wouldn't eat what Mama Jean had cooked and he wanted a nutrigrain bar. I told him NO, he have to eat his lunch before he could have a nutrigrain bar. He pitched the biggest fit I've ever seen! Mama Jean was mortified! She didn't know what was wrong with him. He was probably tired from the past two nights, getting not much sleep and it was catching up with him. But, tired or not, that's no excuse to act the way he did. He wanted to win and didn't like that Mommy told him NO. Cry me a river! But, as easy as it would have been to shut him up...I didn't give in. And neither did Cooper. NO. He pitched a fit all the way back to birmingham. I had to pick up Savannah at my Mom's house and Cooper tried to get Lima to give him a nutrigrain bar!!!! I said absolutely not! You will not have anything to eat until you now eat your DINNER! Well, He ate a very big dinner. Did he want that Nutrigrain Bar after dinner? NO! Because he could have cared less. He just didn't like the fact that he wasn't getting his way. Rotten!
Mama Jean was so worried about him, but mostly ME, and had to call this morning to make sure we were all ok.
When we got home Cooper was not allowed to play with his batman cave or he couldn't pick out any movies to watch that he likes.
Hopefully, this will not happen again any time soon! I needed a BOTTLE of wine as soon as we got home!

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